Wednesday, November 30, 2016
4 Shoulder Injuries to Worry About

3 Reasons for Elbow Surgery

Your elbows usually don't have any problems because they aren't complicated in their function. However, there are certain ways you can cause injury to your elbows without being aware of the problem. A problem can start as dull pain or cracking sounds from movement. An injury can lead to needing elbow surgery, which go anywhere from fixing the problem to replacing the joint itself.Read More..
Friday, October 28, 2016
3 Reasons for a Hip Replacement

3 Facts about Total Knee Replacement

Monday, September 26, 2016
Ways to Know if You Have a Rotator Cuff Tear
A rotator cuff tear is a common injury suffered by atheletes or people whose job requires constant overhead motion. The most likely symptoms you will suffer involve unnatural movement and chronic shoulder pain. However, a rotator cuff tear can also be asymptomatic. If you are suffering from symptoms or part of a risk group, you should visit your doctor and see if you have a tear. Read more here.
How to Know if You Have an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
A tear in the anterior cruciate ligament can be caused by excessive or uneven force on the knees. The uneven stress on the knees can be caused by leg dominance or the person's position in a sport. This is followed by popping while participating or knee swelling, which are key symptoms of an injury. This problem is most often associated with those who take part in sports that involve sudden changes in direction or jumping. Read more here.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Things You Should Know about the Most Frequent & Serious Foot Injuries

Critical Things You Should Know concerning Knee Surgery

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Why Surgeons Avoid Surgery in Sports Medicine

It may be odd to think of someone avoiding the very thing they're trained for. A pilot who doesn't want to fly or an architect who is reluctant to design buildings would certainly raise some eyebrows. The thing is, surgeons are-first and foremost-healthcare providers. Their goal is to maintain your quality of life for as long as possible. While some injuries may very well require some surgery to repair, a good surgeon will try an appropriate conservative measure first. Read more here.
5 Procedures Carrried out By Orthopedic Surgeons That Don't Require Fractures

In fact, an orthopedic surgeon does many other procedures. Almost any surgery that involves the bones, tendons, ligaments, and sometimes muscles may be carried out by an orthopedic surgeon. Read more here.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Orthopedic Surgeons Share Tips to Help Speed Up ACL Tear Recovery
The dreaded anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear may be one of the most feared injuries among athletes. The ACL’s primary responsibility is to provide stability to the knee when performing back and forth movements. Without this ligament, people suffer from excessive knee movement that threatens to tear the other ligaments around the ACL. If left untreated, a torn ACL injury may lead to arthritis later on in life.
Fortunately, orthopedic surgeons in Denver, such as the ones from Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver, are more capable today than the doctors of yesteryear. In the past, ACL injuries were often seen as career-ending injuries. Today, numerous athletes, both in the professional and amateur level, have battled back from their respective ACL tears and return to pre-injury form.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Sports Medicine: Rotator Cuff Tears and Your Options for Recovery
When most people think about torn tendons and ligaments, many people assume that these injuries occur due to sports-related accidents. While many of these injuries are, indeed, related to playing sports, injuries such as a rotator cuff tear can happen at any time.
Most rotator cuff tears are the result of repetitive stress placed on the shoulder, which is why it is often an issue among quarterbacks and pitchers. You may not be an athlete, but repetitive overhead activities can weaken the rotator cuff in your shoulder, increasing your chances of a tear.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Body Pains: When Should You See Your Orthopedic Surgeon in Denver?

Everyday stress and strain on the body can take its toll especially if you’re in a line of work that requires you to be active. For instance, repetitive actions like bending to lift heavy objects or running back and forth can increase your risk developing injuries. While sometimes, bodily aches and pains often don’t lead to something serious, there are cases when it is actually an indication of a bigger issue involving that particular part of your body. This is the time when you may need to see one of the Denver orthopedic surgeons to have your body looked at and possibly treated.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Keep Your Back in Good Condition With Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

You may not have thought about it, but your back is one of the most important parts of your body. This is especially true if you are playing sports professionally. Your back, after all, does more than keeping you upright. It connects your head to the rest of your body using your spine. It allows you to stand, sit, walk, talk and play your game. It has so much importance that serious damage in your back can lead to serious complications to the rest of your body, which can spell the end of your sporting career. Protecting and strengthening your back is crucial to ensure that your body is always at its best. Here are some ways to do just that.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Finding the Orthopedic Surgeons that Can Provide the Right Treatment

Pinpointing the exact role of an orthopedic surgeon is difficult, as they perform a variety of roles throughout the duration of their careers. They are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patient’s suffering from problems with their muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, there are over 20,400 practicing orthopedic surgeons in the U.S. Conditions Treated Orthopedic surgeons are responsible for treating both acute and chronic pain and injuries. Chronic conditions are longstanding and invoke persistent pain, and is a prominent factor of conditions such as arthritis, sciatica and a vast number of other joint issues. These types of problems are usually the result of an acute injury; i.e. torsion injury of the knee or sporting injury to other parts of the anatomy. Other types of chronic conditions such as club foot or muscular dystrophy originate at birth.
Obesity and Orthopedics: Primary Interventions of Orthopedic Surgeons

Recent medical studies confirm that a definite link between obesity and orthopedic surgery exists. The said link reiterates that obese people tend to need orthopedic surgery more often because of the stress that their body weight puts on their joints, muscles, and bones. While they are identifiable candidates for this surgical intervention, many orthopedic surgeons in Denver and elsewhere request that obese patients have an ideal body weight prior to surgery.
Helpful Exercises to Do After Orthopedic Knee Surgery

After you have had an orthopedic knee surgery to repair damage from an injury or overuse, you will have follow-up appointments to check on your healing, including your knee strength and range of motion. As part of the care provided by your specialist in orthopedics and sports medicine, such as those in Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver, you will participate in physical therapy to help restore the optimal range of movement of your knee. The therapy and other physical activity can help you regain your previous level of physical activity more quickly than you would if you did not do any exercise.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sports Sciences Applied by Orthopedic Surgeons for Injury Correction

Sports sciences is one of the most important evolutions of science for professional performances and entertainment. This is the legal enhancement of the performances of athletes, or the proper maintenance of athletes’ bodies to ensure that they are in their peak throughout all their games. This is the result of years and years of application of learned sciences like physics, chemistry, and biology, and adaptation to the current knowledge of sports performances. One of the main branches of sports sciences is orthopedics. Orthopedics for the Athletes Athletes experience trauma in their bodies all the time. This is due to the fact that any sport puts a definite strain in some parts of the body, with one component getting more wear and tear than another. Orthopedic surgeons are specialists in the musculoskeletal system of the body, meaning they are experts in the system that gets our body moving.
Orthopedics can Help You While Keeping Active in the Mile High City

It's winter in the Mile High city, but that doesn't stop people from being active. Even after a snow-storm, you can find people biking down the Cherry Creek Trail, walking their dogs around the neighborhood, or going to the gym. In fact, many people come to Colorado for outdoor sports such as skiing, snowboarding, snow-shoeing, and winter hiking. Even the Denver Broncos aren't afraid to turn football into a winter sport in our outdoor stadium. Injuries During Winter With winter sports come winter conditions. Ice and snow-pack can cause a skier to drift off course. She may skid to a halt, bending her knees at just the wrong angle to leave the ski resort with a nasty knee injury. A biker might hit a snowbank just wrong and twist his spine leaving him with back pain. An ice-skater might twist her ankle while attempting a double-triple axle. A jogger might slip on her morning jog.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Sports Medicine and Orthopedics for Athlete Fitness, Safety and Health

Orthopedics in the simplest terms is the branch of medicine concerned with the health of the musculoskeletal system. That is the system which encompasses the body and helps in keeping structure and movement. These are the bones, joints, nerves, etc. Orthopedics is an important branch of medicine especially for the fitness and sports enthusiasts as they are the ones who experience the most stress in their musculoskeletal system. An Athlete’s Treasure Keeping the body of an athlete at its peak is one of the main goals of orthopedics for athletes. The bones of athletes are susceptible to breakage, with contact sports being the primary cause of breakage. Some of the most common procedures done by orthopedists are for the ankles, elbows, and knees. These are some of the high-impact joints that receive the most wear and tear, no matter the sport being played.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
What Orthopedic Surgeons Do and the Characteristics They Need to Have

"When Denver athletes get injured with a sprain, bone break or fracture it may be important to seek out the help of a proficient orthopedic surgeon in this area. It is a good thing to have some clarity about who these medical professionals are and what they do when seeking their help. Injuries of the skeletomuscular system can be severe, and may even lead to complications if treated incorrectly. The services of a good orthopedic surgeon is key to overcoming such potentially devastating injuries. What orthopedic surgeons do The skeletomuscular system is composed of the bones of the body and anything to which it is attached, and orthopedic surgeons are experts at physical interventions to correct problems it may have. These involve more than the bones themselves, as muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and nerves form an integral part of the entire system.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Avoid and Treat Athletic Injury with Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Athletes in Denver who want to push their limits tend to ignore the warning signs of an impending injury. Addressing some of the small things, such as hunger and fatigue, can be put off for short periods of time. However, other signals should not be ignored or pushed aside. This is especially true for athletes. What may have started off as a minor injury that would have taken little time and effort to heal can become a much more serious problem if left untreated. Many people think that working through the pain makes them tough. However, it can do further damage to your joints, muscles, and ligaments if you push past the warning signs and don't get immediate Denver sports medicine treatment. You take precautions against becoming ill by taking medications and visiting your doctor for yearly wellness exams, so why not do the same when trying to keep your body in shape? In addition to treatment for injuries, Denver orthopedics can help prevent them.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Obesity and Orthopedics: Primary Interventions of Orthopedic Surgeons

Recent medical studies confirm that a definite link between obesity and orthopedic surgery exists. The said link reiterates that obese people tend to need orthopedic surgery more often because of the stress that their body weight puts on their joints, muscles, and bones. While they are identifiable candidates for this surgical intervention, many orthopedic surgeons in Denver and elsewhere request that obese patients have an ideal body weight prior to surgery. Orthopedic Surgery on Overweight Patients At first glance it may seem overly harsh to refuse a patient surgery simply because of his or her weight. After all, this person is in pain and cannot move properly because of compromised bone, joint, or muscle health. However, an orthopedic surgeon in Denver or other areas are limited on the amount of health services or treatment they can offer obese patients by healthcare insurers and by the recommended standards of their industry.
Helpful Exercises to Do After Orthopedic Knee Surgery

After you have had an orthopedic knee surgery to repair damage from an injury or overuse, you will have follow-up appointments to check on your healing, including your knee strength and range of motion. As part of the care provided by your specialist in orthopedics and sports medicine, such as those in Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver, you will participate in physical therapy to help restore the optimal range of movement of your knee. The therapy and other physical activity can help you regain your previous level of physical activity more quickly than you would if you did not do any exercise.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
When to Schedule a Consultation With an Orthopedic Surgeon

Denver orthopedic surgeons are specialists in their field, focusing on the musculoskeletal system. They offer a wide range of treatment options for various conditions, and this includes everything from a genetic condition such as bow legs in a child to a sports injury and more. It can be difficult to determine if you need to see an orthopedic surgeon in Denver or if you need to visit with another type of medical professional, such as a physical therapist, for the treatment you need. By focusing on a few important tips, you can make a better decision about when to consult with a specialist. After You Receive a Referral In many cases, patients who make an initial appointment with an orthopedic surgeon will receive a referral from a family doctor, a physical therapist or another professional.
Overcoming a Sports Injury Through an Orthopedics Doctor in Denver

If you have been injured while playing a sport you love, you may understandably feel frustrated by the setback of not being able to compete or play. Some people feel as though their skills will diminish while they recuperate, and others may wonder if they can or should play or compete again. These are only some of the legitimate concerns that you may have while dealing with a sports injury, but the most important thing to focus on at this time is getting better. A sports medicine specialist in Denver will help you sort through all of your questions and concerns while seeking treatment. Working With Your Doctor Some people believe that their body will heal on its own and that working with orthopedics centers is not needed. This may be particularly true if you are concerned about the cost of healthcare.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Orthopedic Surgeons in Denver—On Saving Young Athletes from Injury

As parents, it’s only natural to want your child to excel in sports—especially if it’s something that he’s passionate about. After all, it’s a way for them to learn about physical fitness, coordination, discipline, and team work—qualities that will prove valuable to them later in life. Since their bodies are still developing, however, young athletes are at greater risk for injury than adults. To reduce the potential for being sidelined by a sports injury, you need to make sure your child is really prepared to compete. Here are some important tips to keep in mind: Use proper safety equipment. The first step toward minimizing the potential for injury is to have him wear the proper safety equipment for his sport. Depending on his favorite game, the combination of equipment will vary. Ask your child’s coach about the required gear, and make sure to test for proper fit and comfort before you buy.
Monday, January 25, 2016
PTs and Athletic Trainers in Orthopedics: Differences and Similarities

Physical therapists and athletic trainers both work in the field of sports medicine and treat people who sustained injuries from sports—but that’s where the similarities between the two end. Physical therapists and athletic trainers require different certifications and educational attainment, and have workplace settings that are worlds apart. Physical Therapists vs. Athletic Trainers Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who help patients to restore, develop and maintain movement, and physical functions. They work with people of all ages, occupations and fitness levels who have acute or chronic injuries and illnesses. Athletic trainers, on the other hand, help athletes and other physically active individuals to rehabilitate and manage their injuries. They are also trained to recognize and prevent injuries that may be caused by physical activity.
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