Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Common Sports Injuries Athletes Experience

Regular physical activity—such as playing sports, for instance—offers many health benefits, like staving off heart disease and even boosting one’s metabolism to keep off excess fat. Unfortunately, sports injuries are all too common and can cause severe discomfort or even permanent disability. Here’s a look at the most common sports injuries.
Achilles Tendonitis

The bane of runners everywhere, Achilles tendonitis occurs when the tendon behind the ankle is overused and becomes inflamed as a result. If not treated, the condition may become chronic until the athlete can no longer run.

Sprains and Strains

Bones and joints are connected by ligaments, and things like falling, twisting or being hit can stretch or tear a ligament. When this happens, pain, swelling, or bruising usually follows, making it hard to move the injured body part. Strains exhibit similar symptoms but occur whenever a muscle or tendon is stretched or pulled instead.


When you receive a blow to the head, your brain might move violently within your skull, an injury called a concussion. Concussions can be caused by falling and hitting your head on something hard, or when a fast-flying object strikes your head. Those who engage in contact sports like football are prone to this injury.

Common Household Injuries during Winter

Over 250 people a day were hurt between November 1 and end of December in 2012 due to holiday accidents. Almost a third of these accidents involved victims falling off ladders. Many other victims injured their necks or backs.

It pays to know the common winter injuries so you will know what to avoid. Here are some of them:
  • You could break your wrist, hand, ankle, or other bone in the body if you fall off a ladder while trying to remove snow from a roof. It is also possible to tear a meniscus in the knee or dislocate a joint such as a shoulder or hip bone.
  • You could herniate a disc or strain a neck or back muscle while shoveling snow from the driveway or the sidewalk.
  • Planning to remove snow from your property quickly? This increased activity may lead to an impingement in the shoulder or acute tendinitis in the knee.

Household safety should always be a major consideration during the cold season. If you do end up with an injury during the winter, don’t allow the condition to worsen. Visit a reputable orthopedic center as soon as possible so a doctor can evaluate your injury and recommend the appropriate treatment.