Things have been rough for the Denver Nuggets so far this year, but General Manager Tim Connelly is hopeful for the next season. In an interview with The Press Box, Connelly said that this season’s challenges gave him a better idea of his players’ strengths and weaknesses and how to better manage the Nuggets’ roster in the future.
These athletic injuries aren’t exactly surprising as far Denver sports medicine centers like Steadman Hawkins Clinic-Denver are concerned. In particular, basketball players often face risks like sprains and fractures in the lower extremities. In fact, ankle or foot injuries account for about 38 percent of all injuries sustained in this sport. According to a study conducted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy in 2013, ankle sprains are also the second most common sports injury in U.S. high-schools, and are 47 percent more likely to occur in practice than in an actual game.
These athletic injuries aren’t exactly surprising as far Denver sports medicine centers like Steadman Hawkins Clinic-Denver are concerned. In particular, basketball players often face risks like sprains and fractures in the lower extremities. In fact, ankle or foot injuries account for about 38 percent of all injuries sustained in this sport. According to a study conducted by the Center for Injury Research and Policy in 2013, ankle sprains are also the second most common sports injury in U.S. high-schools, and are 47 percent more likely to occur in practice than in an actual game.