Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Bones Heal Themselves From Fractures

Although bones may seem like simple hard structures that frame the body, they are actually very complex parts of the human anatomy that continue to change as man grows older. Bones are made of different tissues and mineral deposits. Inside the bones are marrows where fat is stored and red blood cells are produced.

Broken bones are usually tended, specifically by an orthopedic doctor, but bones are able to repair themselves most of the time. Unless cases are severe, small fractures could be fixed by the body through four phases.

When bone is broken, the blood vessels inside are broken, too. Blood that escapes from the bone then starts to clot to keep the bones together as they are mended, and tiny blood vessels start to develop to continue the needed supply of fresh blood which fuel the healing process.

The second phase begins when a tougher tissue is developed on the fracture to form a soft callus. Collagen, a protein that helps in bone tissue development, is produced in order to further strengthen the soft callus which would hold the fractured bones together.

The production of bone cells marks the third stage. These cells develop and transform the callus into a bone callus to act as a shell during the final stage of healing.

Bones, however, have limited healing capabilities. Where fractures are severe, orthopedic doctors need to be consulted to commence the treatment process in replacing or healing the bones to keep the part whole once again. 


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